Sex drugs and rock and roll

Sex drugs and rock and roll

Yeah baby! It it for the money fame sex drugs and rock and roll, woohaaa!! When your jobs’ a party you get to dabble in all sorts and there can be plenty of temptations....

Using earlier versions of Traktor

Using earlier versions of Traktor

This relates to the Windows version of Traktor Temporarily running an earlier version When Traktor is upgraded it stores the previous versions' Traktor.exe in a folder called 'Backup'. E.g. C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Traktor 2\Backup\ If...

Which DJ Software?

As of early 2015 the main packages are Serato, Traktor, Virtual DJ and Rekordbox: Serato has risen to become possibly the most popular choice right now thanks to a very effective business strategy. Virtual...

Music Genres

Music Genres

Acid Mixmag – The A-Z of Acid Northern Soul BBC Northern Soul: 40 years of the sound of Wigan Casino Old Skool Can mean different things to different people, but an official definition can be...