Updating iTunes while Traktor is running
You can update iTunes while Traktor is running (drag songs into playlists etc) no problem. In Traktor you can right click the 'iTunes' library and select Refresh and any changes you've made will be...
You can update iTunes while Traktor is running (drag songs into playlists etc) no problem. In Traktor you can right click the 'iTunes' library and select Refresh and any changes you've made will be...
When Traktor Pro 2 analyzes tracks it writes the BPM to each song files tags. However when viewing iTunes playlists in Traktor it seems it just uses the iTunes library XML file for all...
Traktor Pro 2 does show the iTunes song ratings (stars), does keep them if you import an iTunes playlist and does allow you to sort by them. However as of iOS7 it seems Apple...